“Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.”
Do you
Feel uncertain about your occupational choice?
Experience “burnout” or “midlife crisis”?
Constantly hop for jobs without having a clear sense of direction?
The emotional entanglement of career issues
Unlike what people perceive, career issues are often personal and emotion loaded. Many of the developmental crises are triggered by challenges and discontinuities that affect a person’s vocational role (e.g. mid-life career change, layoff, becoming a full time housewife, reentry into the workforce and retirement). An individual’s ability to cope adequately with the dynamic and non-linear process of career development, is tied to one’s level of life satisfaction and mental health. A chronic failure to respond to life changes almost inevitably leads to stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, fear and depression.
Vocational psychology and career counselling
Vocational psychology is a specialty within the profession of Counselling Psychology. It is a holistic approach which looks at a person’s career development throughout different life stages. Through career counselling and assessment, we co-create space and opportunity for you to:
Gain a deeper self-awareness of your interest, ability, value and personality, through a series of career assessment tools and collaborative counselling process, so that you can make career choices that align with your authentic self.
Form a coherent sense of personal identity, life roles and life themes by integrating life and career stories, and thus giving and creating your own purpose or meaning in life.
Process emotional difficulties and career dilemma that arise out of your career development.
Adjust, adapt, make choices and decisions as you transit through different life stages that affect your career development e.g. being a full time housewife, illness, mid-life career change, retirement, etc.
Details and Fees
Depending on the nature and complexity of career issues and your level of openness, commitment and dedication, it will generally take about 8 sessions. However, if may take longer if you wish to explore other personal issues that are connected with your career issues.
The initial consultation
Understanding and assessment of your career concerns.
Familiarization with counselling process and logistics.
Collaborative goals setting.
Initial consultation: $2,400/ 75 min.
Subsequent sessions: $1,600 per session, 50 min each.
Note: Administration of career assessment tools will be charged separately, if applicable.
我們的事業發展往往是多變、充滿不穩定因素和無法預測的。在我們事業發展的每一個階段, 我們都可能會經歷生涯困局,及伴隨的各種情緒反應。 不少人生階段中的危機都是伴隨職場角色的轉變而來, 好像是中年轉行,被裁員,成為全職家庭主婦、重新投入職場和退休等。能否在變幻中適應,和個人的滿足感和精神健康息息相關。長期處於困局中,會帶來無可避免的壓力、焦慮、悲哀、憤怒及害怕。
在輔導過程中,透過面談和評估,反思和深入了解自己的興趣、能力、性格和價值觀,從而接觸、了解和懷抱真正的自己(authentic self),並作出相應的生涯決定。
透過結合自己的人生和生涯故事,辨別自己的個人身份認同(personal identity),人生角色 (life roles)和人生主題(life themes),從而整理人生,建構生涯目的和意義(meaning)。
輔導節數: 視乎當事人所面對的問題性質、 接受輔導和處理困擾的動機和動力。一般來講,大概6-8節。
首次諮詢: $2,400/ 75 分鐘。
其後輔導:$1,600/ 50分鐘
備註: 執行評估工具的費用會另外收取,如適用。